About Us

Dr Radhi SetelDoc
Dr Radhi


HealthTech Enthusiast

While medical students were busy studying and debating, he tested his limits in technology field inside his room. Don’t worry, he wasn’t a bad student. In fact, he graduated early. He hates inefficiency and redundancy. With more than 13 years of experience in website development, he hopes he could serve you better. He is the creator of JomLocum.

Dr Farhan


Digital Healthpreneurship Enthusiast

One day, he called Dr Radhi to revamp JomLocum. Dr Radhi woke up and agreed. Dr Farhan is the wake-up call for the making of SetelDoc. He understands the future of Digital Healthcare in Malaysia. He loves connections and networking – making SetelDoc more readily accessible nationwide.

Dr Amanda SetelDoc
Dr Amanda | Dr Unicorn


Digital Health Marketer | KOL

Dr Farhan then approached Dr Amanda to accelerate & widen the exposure of SetelDoc to multiple professional sectors. With more than 6 years of experience in social media marketing & giving health related talks nationwide, Dr Amanda is committed to bringing SetelDoc fly to the Sky. 


To Enhance Malaysia Healthcare Efficiency Especially in Critical Situations.


Core Values






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