Friendly Reminder
  • Most managements involves informing MO

  • However, please do something before informing. At least, you know the diagnosis and stabilise patient.
  • DXT/Reflo<4
  • Omit insulin.
  • Encourage orally (sweets,bread with jam)
  • DXT<3 with symptoms, give 20-50cc D50% then repeat DXT after 30 minutes.
  • DXT>20
  • Look for DKA symptoms.
  • Give IV 6-10 unit actrapid STAT.
  • If symptomatic, TRO DKA. Take VBG, urine ketone.
Shortness of Breath SOB
  • Examine lungs & SpO2

  • Determine causes

  • If intubated, check if ETT dislodged or too deep

  • Start NPO2/FM/HFM.

  • If known case of COPD to start VM.

  • Keep SpO2 >95%.

  • If rhonchi – Neb salbutamol or combivent STAT, IV hydrocortisone 200mg STAT.

  • If significant SOB with SpO2 drop, take ABG.

  • Inform MO

    • Manual bagging 15L/min (even for ventilated patient)
    • Straighten bed & commence CPR
    • Inform MO
    • Transfer acute
    • Vital signs, DXT & cardiac monitoring
    • 2 large bore branulas at least pink
    • Run 1 pint NS fast if no contraindications
    • Prepare IV adrenaline (1mg every 5 mins)
    • Prepare intubation kit
    • Keep bp >90/60, map >65.
    • Strict I/O via CBD
    • For inotropes if low BP
    • IV Ranitidine 50mg TDS to prevent gastric ulcer
    • RTF, start clear fluid 50cc & increase accordingly (increasee 50cc if tolerates x3 to max of 300cc). Refer dietician.
    • BP<90/60 or MAP <65.
    • Determine causes: sepsis, UTI, hypovolemia, cardiogenic etc.
    • Run 1 pint NS fast if no contraindication such as fluid overload.
    • If still low, for another try and inform MO.
    • IVI noradrenaline (inotrope) if BP is still low & adjust accordingly.
    • BP monitoring every 30 minutes.
    • KIV add another intrope if low despite high dose 1st inotrope.
    • K+ = Potassium <2.5
    • ECG STAT to look for hypokalemic changes.
    • 1g KCl in 100cc NS in 1 hour or 2g KCl in 200cc NS over 2 hours (according to K+ level) with continouos cardiac monitoring.
    • Add KCl in drip if any, mist KCl 15ml TDS / Tab Slow k 600mg/1.2g OD.
    • K+>4: Off K supplements.
    • RP 1 hour post correction
    • RP CM


    K+ Requirement = Deficit + Maintenance

    Deficit = (4 -patient’s K) x weight x 0.4 divided by 13.3

    Maintenance = weight divided by 13.3

    Add both = Requirement to correct


    • Patient requires 5g of potassium
    • Patient is on 2pint IVD
    • Add 1g KCl per pint and oral supplementation mist KCl 1g TDS (Total: 2g + 3g = 5g)

    ⛔️ Caution given to ESRF patient

    • K+>5.5
    • ECG STAT to look for hyperkalemic changes.
    • Perindopril can cause hyperkalemia.
    • Off K supplements.
    • Lytic Cocktail.
    • Oral kalimate 5-10g TDS.
    • Off kalimate once K+<5
    • K+ 1 hour post correction
    • RP CM

    Lytic Cocktail

    1. 10cc of 10% calcium gluconate in 10 minutes with cardiac monitoring (10 minutes)
    2. 50cc D50% glucose
    3. 10 unit Actrapid
    Chest Pain
    • ECG STAT.
    • Inform MO.
    • Vital signs.
    • If BP stable (>90/60), S/L GTN, maximum 3 times.
    • If persistent pain to start IV Morphine with IV Maxolon.
    • If persists, start IVI GTN.
    • Take troponin earliest 3 hours post chest pain.
    • Left lateral
    • Remove dangerous objects
    • High flow mask 10L/min
    • Vital signs & DXT
    • Inform MO
    • Insert branula
    • Monitor vital signs, fit, GCS, behavioral & alcohol chart (if relevant)
    GCS Drop
    • Vital signs & DXT

    • Inform mo

    • Transfer acute

    • Determine causes

    Aggressive Behavior
    • Approach calmly

    • Ask help from security guards or male staff

    • Inform MO

    • IM haloperidol 5mg STAT

    • 4 point restraints

    • Refer PSY

    • Get a sample of vomit if possible

    • PR examination to look for malenic stool

    • Vital signs to look for compensated or decompensated shock

    • Inform MO.

    • If significant blood loss to insert 2 branula with FBC, RP, coag profile & GSH.

    • IV tranexamic acid 1g STAT, then 500mg TDS.

    • IV pantoprazole 40mg.

    • If worsens, KIV IVI Pantoprazole.

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